Vettor Pisani: Journey to the Edges of the Mind at CIAC, Foligno

The Centro Italiano Arte Contemporanea (CIAC) will host a comprehensive retrospective exhibition dedicated to Vettor Pisani, a seminal figure in Contemporary Art from the late 20th to the early 21st century. The exhibition, titled Vettor Pisani: Journey to the Edges of the Mind, will run from June 8 to September 22, 2024. Curated by Italo Tomassoni, a long-time collaborator and friend of Pisani, the exhibition is promoted and supported by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno and organised in collaboration with Maggioli Cultura e Turismo. 

Vettor Pisani © Vettor Pisani Archives

Featuring over fifty works from Pisani’s extensive oeuvre, the show is a testament to the diversity of his artistic expressions, spanning from the 1970s to his later productions. Visitors will have the opportunity to admire photographic documentation of Pisani’s performances. Notable works on display include materials from “L’Androgino. Carne umana e oro” (1971) and “Storie di Eroi. La parte assassinata” (1975), as well as an eight-piece polyptych reassembled into an inverted pyramid by Mimma Pisani in 2012.

Vettor Pisani (1934-2011) developed a unique vision of art inspired by myth, magical beliefs, and religious doctrines predating Christianity. His profound and erudite approach resulted in visionary works that delve into the nature of truth in art and the fundamental themes of existence. He was both critical and revisionist concerning historical avant-gardes and contemporary trends, drawing inspiration from thinkers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, poets such as Novalis and Von Kleist, and painters like Böcklin, Khnopff and Moreau, as well as the cultures of alchemy and psychoanalysis. His critical engagement extended to contemporaries such as Marcel Duchamp, Joseph Beuys, Yves Klein, and Gino De Dominicis.

Journey to the Edges of the Mind celebrates Pisani’s vast and diverse body of work and offers a deep dive into the enigmatic and philosophical foundations that characterise his distinctive approach to Contemporary Art.

Exhibition Information
Vettor Pisani: Journey to the Edges of the Mind
June 8 – September 22, 2024
Centro Italiano Arte Contemporanea
Foligno, Italy